
International Federation at the side of the Committee, the Italian girls ready to excite. Tomorrow at the start of the first manche at 10.30 a.m., live on RaiAn heavy snowfall did not stop Sestriere: in the early hours of the day the snow was not...

The interest for the AUDI FIS SKI WORLD CUP in Sestriere is huge. The arrival area, reserved to the accreditated pubblic, is fully booked. However we provided a new area for all the guests without accreditation at the end of the slope. Public with no...

The Italian Army's "Brigata Alpina Taurinense"  will make a double contribution to the Ski World Cup. More than 50 Alpine soldiers of the 3rd Pinerolo regiment have been contributing since last 28 November to the preparation of the race tracks, as well as to the...

Work is in full progress on the Kandahar G.A. Agnelli slope in Sestriere. The cold weather has finally arrived and snow can be produced with a good performance. The snow groomers are also at work and are moving the piles of snow produced to create...

The first snow has fallen on the Kandahar G.A. Agnelli slope of Sestriere, set to host the upcoming Women’s Alpine Ski World Cup races (giant slalom and slalom) from 10 to 11 December). The snowflakes have fallen yesterday afternoon up to the early night, and...

At the gates of this new edition, we have decided to create a new website. Inside you will find new pages and all the useful news you need to attend the races on the 10th and 11th of December. Plus, starting today up until the...